Dialling down stress – Day 4


19 minute video

Your Morning practice opens the chest and mobilises the spine. Spinning will help to release tension from the body and to build a little energy.

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You lunchtime exercise is a short breathing practice which is often recommended for stress reduction. You may feel the effect instantly but if you don’t it will be worth persevering with a short daily practice if possible to see whether the benefits build over time.

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Your transition sequence starts again with a balance to help you focus inwards. Downward facing dog pose helps to release tension by opening the shoulders and stretching the hamstrings, while helping you to feel stronger by engaging the core and working the arm muscles. Pigeon pose and low lunge will help to release the hips. then finish by settling in reclining bound angle pose with a grounding breath practice.

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Your evening practice includes two highly relaxing poses, a twist and a lying posture which opens the chest and allows the shoulders to relax. These can be held for as long as you like, while focussing on your relaxing breath practice.

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