Wellbeing at the desk and beyond. Movement, mindfulness and lifestyle for busy people

We provide resources for programmes which help to support the physical and mental wellbeing of desk based workers, including

1-Minute Mindfulness Exercise

simple practices that can be integrated into the day and take minimal time

Many of the suggestions can be followed at or near the desk in a minute or less and can be easily built onto existing routines e.g. while waiting for a computer to reboot, a kettle to boil or a document to print or after ending a difficult phone call.

Sample our Sequences...

Ten stretches to be done daily, either all in one session or spread through the day
10 mins
A quick sequence to engage and activate your core
10 mins
A series of desk based stretches and movements to benefit your back
10 mins

Providing wellbeing programmes for employees who are...

Static for many hours a day?

Feeling stiff and achy?

Feeling frazzled?

Suffering from tech neck?

Out of touch with their body?

Lacking motivation?

Feeling dull and flat?

Continually rushing?

Putting themselves last?

YoPO helps!

Regular use of YoPO resources will help the employee build a toolkit to manage physical niggles and stress levels and to improve resilience, energy levels and motivation.

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