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What’s included?

Access to our Pose Library

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What’s included?

Access to Pose Library

Access to Practice Library

Access to all Courses

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Getting started

YoPo practices can be fitted in whenever the chance arises to focus on yourself and your wellbeing for a small amount of time during the course of a busy day at home or at work. All of our exercises are designed to be easy, accessible and enjoyable. You don’t need any special equipment (not even a yoga mat) and as long as your clothing allows a free range of movement, you can come as you are.

What to do?

You can either:

  • Dive straight into our content, starting anywhere, try what appeals and little by little, build your own collection of personal practices to incorporate into your daily routines. Our filters will help you to select what you feel that you need most; or
  • Sign up for one of our courses and we will give you daily suggestions of which practices to try for different purposes. By the end of the course we hope that you will have learned what works best for you for the purpose in question and which practices you enjoy most.

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