Dialling down stress – Day 5


Your Morning practice mobilises and opens the body. Plank pose and chair pose work the muscles of the upper and lower body respectively and should make you feel stronger, particularly if you extend the hold lengths.


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Your lunchtime practice focusses on the shoulders, an area where tension is commonly held. Follow the shoulder exercises iwth a minute or more sitting in a balanced position and focussing on a calming breath practice.


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19 minute video

Your transition sequence is a short guided meditation, focussing on the breath. It should promote feelings of calm and help you to refocus as you transition into the rest of your day.

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28 minute video

Your evening practice is a guided restorative session which has a meditative flavour and gently encourages improvement in posture if you have spent much of the day in a hunched position. Relax and enjoy.

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Taking it forward

We hope that you have found some of the suggestions offered in this course helpful for dialling down stress and that going forward you have a tool kit of  resources that you can draw on in different circumstances. Alternatively you can repeat either individual days or the whole 5 days when you feel the need.
We would love to hear from you – to let us know what worked or didn’t work for you, or if you have any other tips for dialling down stress that we haven’t covered – email any comments of suggestions to hello@yoponow.com.

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