Theme – strengthening the arms, chest and shoulders
Desk based work is associated with the muscles in the arms, chest and shoulders being under used. This can lead to weakening so that normal activities such as carrying shopping or lifting a child become more difficult.
Day 6 practices include strengthening movement options and a short video sequence
You may have a gym based or at home weight training or resistance training programme which includes targeting the upper body, or a daily press-ups habit. The following exercises can add to or your current routines, substitute for them on days where your usual routines are disrupted or when you need variety, or be used in their own right to improve upper body strength.
Dolphin pose, plank or downward facing dog can either be held static or can be combined into movements as shown. Time the length of the static hold or the length of time that you can sustain the movement for.
A short practice at the wall which as well as opening the shoulders, hips and hamstrings., offers accessible options for an inversion bearing weight on the hands.
Try to build one or more of the poses or movements for the upper body into your routine, when you can, for example: