Yoga Bites – Day 9


5 minutes or less

Your Morning sequence is designed to gently stretch the chest and upper back and open the shoulders. The knee lift to lunge movement will also engage the core and help to develop balance.

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5 or 6 minutes

Your lunch sequence is all about balancing on one leg. Balancing practices can improve posture and co-ordination, build core strength and increase physical confidence, which in turn may lift the mood.

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5 minutes or less

Your transition sequence starts in downward facing dog, which stretches out the back, shoulders and hamstrings. The repetitive switch from down dog to child’s pose  will gently engage the core, stretch the hamstrings and glutes and open the hips.  Finish by resting in child’s pose.

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1 minute or less

These movements and practices can be slotted in whenever you have a spare moment at the desk to stretch and mobilise targeted areas of the body, calm the mind and reduce eye strain.

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